A large tree from the West Indies and tropical America. Closely allied to the genus Adansonia, found in Senegal, and containing the thickest and oldest trees ever found. The French naturalist Adanson estimated that some African trees of this genus were at least 5,000 years old. It yields a gourdlike fruit, which is used as a vessel; the bark furnishes a coarse thread that can be formed into rope; the dried leaves can be powdered and made into 'halo,' a favourite article with the natives of the eastern coast of Africa, which is mixed with their food to diminish excess perspiration.,,'This specimen was sent to us by Mr. Sheppard of the Liverpool Garden who states that 'he raised it from seeds sent from Trinidad by the late Baron de Shack.',,Drawing by Miss Maund from a fresh flower and leaf. Engraved by Nevitt. Coloured engraving of the flower and leaves, along with engraved dissections of the petals, pollen, ovarium, stamen, calyx and filament.

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