ATHENS; GREECE APRIL; 14; 2010 TAXI STRIKE ; WITH REPERSENTIVES OF THE TAXI OWNERS AND DRIVERS IN FRONT OF THE GREEK PARLAMENT; IN ATHENS GREEK P.M -G. Papandreou says on February 2; the government will extend a public sector wage freeze to those making below 2;000 euros as Moody's cuts Greek debt to A2 from A1 due to over soaring deficits; the third rating agency to downgrade Greece; but But it was GREEK P.M -G. Papandreou that made the first statement from the Cannery islands about greece being unable to pay back it's loans. In this way it all stated. Then came the downgrade from Fitch and S&P two notches which in turn made the spread between 10-year Greek and German Bunds tightens after the downgrade. EU officials ask Greece for a more specifics of its three-year plan to shore up its finances. Papandreou says the government will extend a public sector wage freeze to those making below 2;000 euros a month for 2010; BUT excluding seniority pay hikes. A tax crack-down on the whole working sector is now to be law. Taxi owners did not need to pay VAT TAXES; now they will; they are now on strike and protesting to the new law. IN THE PHOTO IN FRONT OF THE GREEK PARLAMENT

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