Nationwide search for young sculptor in connection with New York triple murder. A widespread search is being carried out by American police for the 29-year-old sculptor, Robert Irwin, whom they wish to question in connection with the murder of 54-year-old Mrs Mary Gedeon, her artists model daughter, Veronica, and her lodger, Frank Byrnes. Mrs Gedeon and her daughter were found strangled at their New York home and Frank Byrnes had been stabbed through the brain. Both women had been criminally assaulted. Irwin was formerly a boarder with Mrs Gedeon. Photo shows: Robert Irwin the young sculptor. 12 April 1937 [ On trial for triple murder. Robert Irwin age 30, is to be placed on trial in New York today (Monday) for the murder of Veronica Gedeon, artist's model, her mother, and the lodger, Frank Byrnes, an Englishman. They were found dead in their flat, and later Irwin walked into a Chicago newspaper of and wrote out of 5000 word confession. 7 November 1938 ]

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