Frontispiece - Britannia in the centre, seated on a rock, one arm resting on the Bible, behind which is seen the Model of a Ship - intended to convey this important truth, that the grand supports of the British Empire are its commerce and its religion. At her feet are - Malice, bound hand and foot and Superstition overthrown. Thus having conquered the internal enemies of her peace, Britannia is surveying, with firmness and composure, the storms that agitate the universe; she hears, unmoved, the crash of empires and sits secure amidst a falling world. Two Tuscan Columns, emblems of the simplicity and strength of the British character, support the whole composition. A string of tablets are seen passing round and occasionally displaying the names of those princes who have contributed most to the glory of the Empire and whose memories are cherished by Englishmen with veneration and gratitude. On one side the implements of war and trophies of victory and on the other instructions of scientific research; through one passes a scroll containing the names of those heroes whose achievements have added splendour to the British name; and the other is inscribed with the names of the philosophers whose conquests over nature have obtained for them a still more glorious and permanent reward - the admiration of posterity? At the bottom are seen the rudder, the ploughshare and the sickle; which, together with the lamb, placed in the centre, are intended to shew, that whatever temporary fame we may obtain by the splendour of our arms, or the extent of our conquests, the basis of real national glory must ever be - commerce agriculture and the arts of peace. The scroll at the top, with the names of celebrated divines, surrounded by glory, completes the whole and make perfect the leading idea of the design; the object of which is to illustrate an important truth, drawn from the Pages of History, namely, that commerce is the means of the growth of empires, and religion. 固opFoto

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