It is fascinating to think that, in spite of modern progress, when it comes to good luck we still hold the same beliefs as our ancestors. Take horseshoes, for example; legend has it that the devil went to St Dunstan, who was a blacksmith, to have his hooves shod. St Dunstan was so rough that the devil swore he'd never again go anywhaer near a horseshoe. That's why people used to hang them over doors, or nail them to the masts of boats; Nelson had one on his famous ship, Victory. The horseshoe shown in our first picture has an extra bonus, for it's covered in white heater, which some Scottish highlanders believe protects them from danger. It's also said that if you receive a present of grouse packed in heather, you should wear a sprig of this in your hat, or you'll never again receive a similar gift! - ?TopFoto

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