Farmers Finland - Finnish daily life Forest Academy of Korkeakoski 1939 Back view of the Foresters, each carrying his saw over his shoulder, his axe in hand, on the way to the forests where they split up into little groups, each doing a different job of work. "As they are seen here, stripped to the waist, carrying axes, saws and spades, they worked on the fortifications which are now proving too much for the might of the Russian army". From a series These Men Built the Mannerheim Line - the Finnish zone of frontier fortifications was designed and constructed entirely by the Finnish people. Finnish engineers began work on the line in 1937 but it was not until this summer in 1939 that the work was speeded up and completed. Then, conscious of the dangers of a weak frontier, Finnish young men and students gave up their summer holidays in order to help voluntarily in the building of tank traps and fortifications.

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