Disillusioned : From a problem picture by T . B . Kennington in the Royal Academy 1894 United Kingdom England 1163505.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive attraction, sightseeing, telescope binoculars, pentecost monday, the momument, london, high society, victorian ㏕opFoto Heaven ' s Artillery : Visitors to the ' Cage ' above the Monument on Whit - Monday were literally ' in the clouds ' The play of Heaven ' s high artillery was vastly impressive . The new cage prevents suicide , six persons having previously cast themselves down 1874 United Kingdom England 1163506.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive studio camera, large format, bellows, umbrella, gown, 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, photographic, high society ㏕opFoto After the drawing room : A visit to the photographer 1895 United Kingdom England 1163507.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, camp, gun, fan ㏕opFoto Tea with the Volunteers Again we find ourselves at Wimbledon camp . We were engaged to dine with the London Scottish , but had undertaken an afternoon visit to a friend ' s tent ; so thither we went , and found his sister and cousin brewing his camp fire tea 1870 United Kingdom England 1163508.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, Horse racing, railing, spectators, crowd, fashion, illustration, high society ㏕opFoto Very Royal Ascot A brilliant sun shone on the first day at Ascot this year , and on the favourites that came home with a regularity which only book - makers found monotonous . For the first time in his career the Prince of Wales won two races in succession , which the inborn loyalty of the British subject made especially gratifying . As HRH ' s horses passed the Enclosure , its brilliantly coloured tenants clustered to the rails in the most charming arrangement of beauty and fashion 1895 United Kingdom England 1163509.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, horse and carriage, travel, high society ㏕opFoto Four in hand A coaching revival comes from the new Four - In - Hand Club , in St . James ' s Street , which has 60 teams and is a good customer to breeders . The members , if not all noblemen , are authentic sporting gentlemen . Young ladies are enthusiastic passengers 1871 United Kingdom England 1163510.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, sport, fashion, high society ㏕opFoto Cambridge Wins English women of all orders are enthusiastic admirers of pluck , and it is the spectacle of muscular courage which attracts thousands of ladies to the Boat Race . Many a respectable matron gives herself up to mad applause and wild fervour . 1870 United Kingdom England 1163511.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, exhibition, display, Charles Dawin, high society ㏕opFoto Darwinian Theory A cage of monkeys has intense interest . We can see ourselves , bereft of speech and furnished with tails , but otherwise remarkably human . But do the Zoological Garden monkeys consider our modern , civilised selves to be at all simian ? 1871 United Kingdom England 1163512.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, theatrical, performance, comedy, acting, high society, victorian, Entertainment ㏕opFoto A family party for Drury Lane pantomine 1870 United Kingdom England 1163513.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, high society, Features ㏕opFoto Mademoiselle Nilsson ' s Farewell In spite of unkind critics and hints about a weakened voice , Mademoiselle Nilsson has been a great favourite this year . For her last unmarried appearance the choice was Gounod ' s Faust , in which the statuesque Swede is superb 1872 United Kingdom England 1163525.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, fashion, high society, Entertainment ㏕opFoto At The Opera We cannot help expressing dissatisfaction with the length of the skirts trailing on the steps of the Opera staircase . Either you must remove them as delicatley as may be with your foot , or else you must tread on them . In fact , to persons who go to the Opera for the music , the horrid trouble of getting away interferes with the evening ' pleasure 1870 United Kingdom England 1163527.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, high society ㏕opFoto The Metropolitan Horse Show Country folk in the Agricultural Hall hang around some well known hunter , but London visitors prefer a pet pony or high stepping hack 1870 United Kingdom England 1163528.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, farming, high society ㏕opFoto Pig Prodding The Agricultural Hall is always thronged for the annual Cattle Show . The judges begin their work of inspection at nine o'clock , but it was at a later hour that the fair visitor of our sketch mader her parasol - inspection of the pigs , which this year fall below the average 1871 United Kingdom England 1163529.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, skating, high society, Leisure, Entertainment, sport ㏕opFoto Rinkomania The Princess Cricket and Skating Club consists of ladies and gentlemen of rank and position and is very exclusive . Some men have attained great proficiency with wheeled skates , but the ladies go in for gentle exercise . There is a slight loss of ladylike complacency among female beginners , but none are so ill - bred as to remark their tumbles 1875 United Kingdom England 1163530.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive dancing, swords, fashion, high society ㏕opFoto A Masonic Ball This ball was given by the Isaac Newton University Lodge of Freemasons in Cambridge . The first quadrille was danced by all the brethren in craft aprons . The members of the higher degrees afterwards assumed their respective dresses , seperate sets of Lancers being alloted to the Mark Masters and Royal Ark Mariners , the Royal Arch , the Rose Croix , the Knights Templar , and the Knights of Malta . The engraving represents the third figure of the Knights Templar ' s Lancers 1876 United Kingdom England 1163531.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, horses, riders, high society ㏕opFoto Rotten Row The greater part of the crowd in mid season consists of that fashionable world which is known to the public only in the aggregate ; a stream of gentlemen who all look gallant , thanks very often to their tailors ' skill , and of ladies who all look beautiful , in spite of the prevailing Mode ' s extravagances 1871 United Kingdom England 1163532.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive dancing, fashion, 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, high society ㏕opFoto The Duchess ' s Ball The utmost hilarity and vivacity prevailed at the Duchess of Argyll ' s Grand Ball . The Princess Louise ( Marchioness of Lorne ) took her share with the best imaginable good humour , and stayed into the small hours 1871 United Kingdom England 1163533.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, glass building, high society ㏕opFoto Crystal Palace Lore You may enjoy an unrivalled prospect from the Grand Saloon Dining Room in the Crystal Palace . Fountains spout silvery streams , and indigo tints from summer night are lit up by the firework festival ' s glories . The price of dinner is from five shillings to four guineas . A second - class dinner for humbler customers is twenty pence , a third - class one , beer included , being half that amount 1870 United Kingdom England 1163534.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, illustration, audience, spectators, fashionable, high society, Women ㏕opFoto Gladstones At Home Everyone enjoyed the mixed reading from Shakespeare and Macauley given recently by Mr Pennington , the Shakespearean actor , at Mr W E Gladstone ' s house in Carlton House Terrace . Mrs and the Misses Gladstone recieved the guests , but Mr Gladstone stood the whole time in the doorway with arms folded . 1872 United Kingdom England 1163535.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive illustration, 19th nineteenth century, victorian era, entrance, fashion ㏕opFoto The Grosvenor Gallery The object of Sir Coutts Lindsay is erecting this building was to afford to pictures and sculptures the advantages they receive in private houses from a background of harmoniously patterned walls and appropriate furniture . The entrance in New Bond Street is by an imposing facade of stone in Renaissance style , with a fine doorway formerly belonging to the Church of Santa Lucia at Venice 1877 United Kingdom England 1163536.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, fashion, high society, Wedding ㏕opFoto A Royal Bride ' s Roses The Duke of Connaught and Princess Louise Margaret , with her father , Prince Frederick Charles , arrived at Dover from Ostend by special steamer . The Royal party lunched at the Lord Warden Hotel , and the Princess , who wore a hat and jacket of black silk and grey costume , was presented by Miss Swainson , daughter of the propritor , with a magnificent bouquet of roses 1878 United Kingdom England 1163537.jpg Mono Book Illustration Archive 19th nineteenth century, illustration, victorian era, harp, musical instrument, Entertainment ㏕opFoto Madame Albani singing The Last rose of Summer " before members and choristers of the Imperial Russian Court 1874

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