THREE MUMMIES conserved in the Catacombe of the Cappuccino that is the underground cemetary of the Cappuccino of Palermo. In annals law that when in the 1599 friars the bodies of theirs confratelli normalmente buried in a first grave traslarono; in order to carry them in a new interment; were found entire even though they were inumati overlapping them ones to the others without case only wrapped from a sheet. Such fact provoked fuss between the friars which did not know to give an explanation to the phenomenon; therefore the news of the prodigio is disseminated and quickly there were many demands for noble that wondered and obtained of being buried in that place; these facts; until from 1601; pushed the friars to enlarge the given interment the great corpse number that reached to you. Photography of Raffaella Milandri; Palermo April 2007 3170 Sicily To cite in the credit: Fototeca Gilardi/Raffaella Milandri

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