Third and last emperor of the Flavian dyansty; Domitian (51-96 CE) was the youngest son of Vespasian and most of his youth was spent in the shadow of his more accomplished brother Titus; who earned his renown during the First Jewish-Roman War. When his father became emperor at the end of the Year of the Four Emperors in 69 CE; Titus was given a great many offices while Domitian held honours but no responsibilities. This would go on for many years; until his brother; succeeding his father in 79 CE; himself died unexpectedly from illness in 81 CE. Domitian was suddenly declared emperor by the Praetorian Guard.

During his reign; Domitian strengthened the Roman economy; expanded the Empire's border defenses and initiated a massive building program to restore the debilitated Rome. Further wars were fought in Britain. Domitian ruled more autocratically than previous emperors; seeing himself as the new Augustus; and formed a cult of personality around himself; making him popular with the people but considered tyrannical by the Senate.

After 15 years in power; longer than any emperor since Tiberius; Domitian was assassinated in 96 CE by court officials. His death ended the Flavian dynasty and he was succeeded by his advisor Nerva; his memory condemned to oblivion by the Senate.

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