Leizhenzi; also known as Thunderbolt; was a character from the classic Ming Dynasty novel 'Fengshen Yanyi'. A celestial being and thunder god; Leizhenzi was created by a great thunderstorm that hit Mount Swallow. While travelling through Mount Swallow; Ji Chang (King Wen of Zhou) came upon a small newborn baby; and took the baby in as his own. However; the immortal Yunzhongzi would soon take the newborn away as his disciple; knowing that Leizhenzi was destined to assist in the formation of the Zhou Dynasty.

After seven years; when Ji Chang was fleeing for his life from the capital city of the Shang Dynasty after being freed; the seven-year-old Leizhenzi was ordered by his master to go aid his father; but first had to take hold of his weapon; a golden rod; from the cliff's edge. Eating two large apricots he found near the cliff edge; he suddenly grew two great wings from his back; and his face became birdlike and monstrous. He then armed himself and went to aid his father.

He rescued his father; returning him to Phoenix City; the capital of Ji Province. He parted ways with his father after that; promising to return someday to aid him; which he would after Ji Chang's death and the rise of Leizhenzi's brother; Ken Wu of Zhou. He would fight alongside his brother against the Shang army; helping to bring down the Shang Dynasty. Leiznhenzi is possibly an analogue and derivative of Lei Gong; who is also a Chinese thunder god with a birdlike appearance.

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