鈥楢n Arch Druid in his judicial habit'. Clothed in a stole of virgin white; over a closer robe of the same; that is fastened by a girdle on which appears the crystal of augury; encased in gold. Round his neck is the Jodhain Morain; or breast-plate of judgement; said in Irish fables to possess the power of squeezing the neck on the utterance of a false judgement. On his finger is the Iogh-Draoch; the chain-ring of divination. His hand rests on the Peithynin or Elucidator; which is on the stone altar. The holy snake drinks a sacred beverage. On the altar lies a gold horn and vessel; and a sprig of mistletoe. The cell of Ceridwen is covered by a veil; on which is drawn the magical steed; Try-cethin.R. Havell: London; 1815.From: Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick; The Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands from the earliest periods to the sixth century.141. h. 13. (1); plate X opposite 28London; British Library.

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