The first cyclone of the 2008 season in the northern Indian Ocean was a devastating one for Myanmar (Burma). Cyclone Nargis made landfall with sustained winds of 130 mph and gusts of 150-160 mph, which is the equivalent of a strong Category 3 or minimal Category 4 hurricane. News reports stated that at least 10,000 people were killed, and thousands more were missing as of May 5. Two images taken by the MODIS on NASA's Terra satellite show Myanmar before (image BK1878), and after (this image) the cyclone. In image BK1878, rivers and lakes are sharply defined against a backdrop of vegetation and fallow agricultural land. The Irrawaddy River flows south through the left-hand side of the image, splitting into numerous distributaries known as the Mouths of the Irrawaddy. The wetlands near the shore are a deep blue green. This image, taken on May 5, 2008, shows the devastating flooding of the entire coastal plain. NASA's Terra satellite use a combination of visible and infrared light to make floodwaters obvious. Water is blue or nearly black, vegetation is bright green, bare ground is tan, and clouds are white or light blue.

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