Tomczyk levitating a rubber ball. Stanislawa Tomczyk was a Polish Spiritualist medium in the early 20th century. She came to the attention of investigators when it was reported that startling poltergeist-like activity occurred spontaneously around her. She could control some telekinetic feats, but only under hypnosis. In 1910, she was tested by a group of scientists at the Physical Laboratory in Warsaw where she produced remarkable physical phenomena under strict test conditions. In 1930, her reputation received a heavy blow. She appeared at the Institute Metapsychique, shortly after an automatic registering apparatus for phenomena produced in the dark had been installed. She was allowed to make her own conditions and produced nearly all blank s矇ances until assured that no registering apparatus would remain in the room. In the fourth s矇ance when the movement of the objects placed on the table was heard, a secret flashlight was exploded and three stereoscopic photographs were taken. Both the sudden light and the developed photographs have clearly shown that a hand of the medium was free and manipulated the table objects.

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