Jack the Giant Killer is a British fairy tale about a lad who slays a number of giants during King Arthur's reign. Giants are prominent in Cornish folklore, Breton mythology and Welsh Bardic lore. On a trip into Wales, Jack tricks a two-headed Welsh giant into slashing his own belly open. King Arthur's son now enters the story and Jack becomes his servant. They spend the night with a three-headed giant and rob him in the morning. In gratitude for having spared his castle, the giant gives Jack a magic sword, a cap of knowledge, a cloak of invisibility, and shoes of swiftness. Arthur Rackham (September 19, 1867 - September 6, 1939) was an English book illustrator. He is widely regarded as one of the leading illustrators from the Golden Age of British book illustration which encompassed the years from 1900 until the start of the First World War. During that period, there was a strong market for high quality illustrated books. He invented his own unique technique; he would first sketch an outline of his drawing, then lightly block in shapes and details. Afterwards he would add lines in pen and India ink, removing the pencil traces after it had dried. With color pictures, he would then apply multiple washes of colur until translucent tints were created.

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