Entitled: "President Hoover with King Tut." Photographed by the National Photo Company, 1929. President Hoover and his wife Lou were genuine dog lovers and at one time the White House was home to 9 dogs. King Tut a Belgian Shepherd that was given to Hoover during an assignment in Belgium several years before he was elected. This photo of Hoover and King Tut was mailed to thousands of voters before the election and it is thought to have helped him get elected. Unfortunately, the instinct to protect the President at all times was too much for the loyal King Tut. Eventually this took its toll on his health, and he stopped eating. Despite being sent away to a more relaxing environment, King Tut never recovered and died shortly after. He became known as the dog that worried himself to death. King Tut was so popular that the President decided not to release the news of his passing. He felt the country had enough to worry about with the failing economy, and the people would feel even more despondent at the death of their First Dog.

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