Member of the research team from the University of Albany, headed by biomedical scientist Sam Bowser, re-emerges from the waters of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The team are collecting samples of single-celled creatures called Foraminifera. The primary research focus has been to try and understand the fundamental biology of Foraminifera, including habitat preference, life cycle, reproductive patterns, eating habits, and evolutionary history. Some types of Foraminifera build tiny shells out of grains of sand held together with a natural, but extremely effective underwater adhesive. Bowser is also interested in the role the creatures play in recycling organic nutrients in the oceans. The huge numbers of tiny animals also act as a "carbon sink," absorbing carbon from the water to make their shells, so scientists are very interested in knowing how the animal's contribute to balancing so-called greenhouse gases, such as CO2, in the atmosphere. Bowser believes if his research leads to an understanding of the chemistry underlying Foraminifera's naturally produced glue, it could lead to the development of new stronger, waterproof adhesives that could be a boon in fields as diverse as dentistry, neurological surgery and the development of artificial arms and limbs.

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