The Hon Mrs. Bryan Guinness wears this evening frock-half white and half black- with an old fashioned necklace and brooch of seed pearls. She was one of Lord Redesdale's daughters and formerly known as Diana Mitford. Madame Yevonde was a prolific and ground-breaking society portrait and commercial photographer active between 1915 and 1975.? She is particularly well-known for her astonishingly modern work using the Vivex colour process during the 1930's.? Her images of society folk and other personalities appeared regularly in The Sketch or The Tatler through the 1920's and 30's. Diana Mitford was the fourth of the six infamous sisters, daughters of Lord and Lady Redesdale. She married into the wealthy Guinness family at the age of 19 in 1929, but began a love affair with Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists ('Blackshirts')in the 1930's. During the Second World War, she and Mosley were imprisoned as Nazi sympathisers. Considered one of the great beauties of her age, Diana was regularly photographed for society pages before her scandalous fall from grace following her marriage to Mosley.

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