Revolution, or Johnny Bull in France. Print shows a large bull labeled Tiers Etat - Orleans referring to Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'Orleans, tossing Marie Antoinette into the air as Louis XVI kneels in prayer on the left; standing behind the bull, in formation, are the Corps de Garde wearing beer tankards, labeled Libertas, with foaming head, on their heads as they sing, O de Roast Beef of Old England and O de old English Roast Beef.. Date 1789 July 25. Revolution, or Johnny Bull in France. Print shows a large bull labeled Tiers Etat - Orleans referring to Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'Orleans, tossing Marie Antoinette into the air as Louis XVI kneels in prayer on the left; standing behind the bull, in formation, are the Corps de Garde wearing beer tankards, labeled Libertas, with foaming head, on their heads as they sing, O de Roast Beef of Old England and O de old English Roast Beef.. Date 1789 July 25.

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