A royal brewery, or how to cook a wife. Print shows George IV, a conning stoker, of some Mischief brewing, stirring up the Flames of Persecution, with vengeance, saying, If this trial fail I'l brew no more. Behind him is a vat Filthy composition into which flows a pure stream to expose the secrets which spills on a couple in an embrace, How do you like it - non mi Ricordo. Passing an open door is Caroline, The brewers wife. On the right are three men, one says, Be just in all your dealings. Another, holding a pitcher labeled a trial says, I can't swallow this, it is all froth. The third says, I wonder at our commander engaging in such a business.. Date 1821 Jany. 1. A royal brewery, or how to cook a wife. Print shows George IV, a conning stoker, of some Mischief brewing, stirring up the Flames of Persecution, with vengeance, saying, If this trial fail I'l brew no more. Behind him is a vat Filthy composition into which flows a pure stream to expose the secrets which spills on a couple in an embrace, How do you like it - non mi Ricordo. Passing an open door is Caroline, The brewers wife. On the right are three men, one says, Be just in all your dealings. Another, holding a pitcher labeled a trial says, I can't swallow this, it is all froth. The third says, I wonder at our commander engaging in such a business.. Date 1821 Jany. 1.

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