Descente dans les ateliers de la liberte de la presse. Print shows on the left, King Louis-Philippe in a right side profile, whiskers obscuring his face, with his hand over the mouth of a female printer, representing freedom of the press, and showing on the far left, Jean-Charles Persil holding a large pair of scissors, the typical device identifying a censor. Other government officials attempt to overturn the press and confront other printers near a press in the background. Hanging from wires above are issues of La Caricature and Droits de L'Homme. Date 1832?. Descente dans les ateliers de la liberte de la presse. Print shows on the left, King Louis-Philippe in a right side profile, whiskers obscuring his face, with his hand over the mouth of a female printer, representing freedom of the press, and showing on the far left, Jean-Charles Persil holding a large pair of scissors, the typical device identifying a censor. Other government officials attempt to overturn the press and confront other printers near a press in the background. Hanging from wires above are issues of La Caricature and Droits de L'Homme. Date 1832?.

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