The modern Arnolds. Illustration shows a gigantic man labeled National Resource Grafter sitting in a wilderness setting, passing sheets of paper to a group of men labeled Land Office Official, Kept Judge, Congressman, Politician, and Senator who are reading their Oath of Office on the papers given them which states Franchises, Special Privileges, Land Patents, Mineral Rights, Tax Exemption, and Timber Grants; includes an insert showing Benedict Arnold passing papers labeled Plans of American Fortifications to a British military officer. Date 1908 June 17. The modern Arnolds. Illustration shows a gigantic man labeled National Resource Grafter sitting in a wilderness setting, passing sheets of paper to a group of men labeled Land Office Official, Kept Judge, Congressman, Politician, and Senator who are reading their Oath of Office on the papers given them which states Franchises, Special Privileges, Land Patents, Mineral Rights, Tax Exemption, and Timber Grants; includes an insert showing Benedict Arnold passing papers labeled Plans of American Fortifications to a British military officer. Date 1908 June 17.

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