Design for the new gallery of busts and pictures -and so far will I trust thee gentle Kate -Henry 4th, part 1st /. Cartoon shows interior view of a portrait gallery with busts of Demosthenes and Cicero, both frowning, and between them a bust of Charles J. Fox; hanging on the wall above are two prints showing Catherine II of Russia, in one, titled Justice, she is about to stab a sultan, in the other, Moderation, she is facing a map of Moldavia, Bessarabia, and Wallachia, which she embraces with outspread arms; hanging above the bust of Fox is a crowned circle inscribed Conjugal love - A cure for the Haemerroidical Cholic within which is a rope noose. Date 1792 March 17th. Design for the new gallery of busts and pictures -and so far will I trust thee gentle Kate -Henry 4th, part 1st /. Cartoon shows interior view of a portrait gallery with busts of Demosthenes and Cicero, both frowning, and between them a bust of Charles J. Fox; hanging on the wall above are two prints showing Catherine II of Russia, in one, titled Justice, she is about to stab a sultan, in the other, Moderation, she is facing a map of Moldavia, Bessarabia, and Wallachia, which she embraces with outspread arms; hanging above the bust of Fox is a crowned circle inscribed Conjugal love - A cure for the Haemerroidical Cholic within which is a rope noose. Date 1792 March 17th.

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