L'infanterie francaise dans la bataille. A foot soldier holding a rifle. In the background is a partial map of France. The map shows the Hindenburg Line in red ink. The poilu carried everything he needed on his back. This would weigh up to 60 pounds. He entered the war with a soft military cap and a uniform with shiny buttons. It did not take long to realize that the enemy spotted the shiny buttons and found him an easy mark. The shrapnel from artillery fire or pieces from a thrown hand-grenade penetrated his soft military cap. Acid was found to dull the shiny military uniform buttons and a steel helmet quickly replaced the once soft military cap. Date 1915. L'infanterie francaise dans la bataille. A foot soldier holding a rifle. In the background is a partial map of France. The map shows the Hindenburg Line in red ink. The poilu carried everything he needed on his back. This would weigh up to 60 pounds. He entered the war with a soft military cap and a uniform with shiny buttons. It did not take long to realize that the enemy spotted the shiny buttons and found him an easy mark. The shrapnel from artillery fire or pieces from a thrown hand-grenade penetrated his soft military cap. Acid was found to dull the shiny military uniform buttons and a steel helmet quickly replaced the once soft military cap. Date 1915.

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