Front cover of 'The Illustrated Police News' featuring images relating to, among other events, the Euston Square Murder. Miss Matilda Hacker resided at no. 4 Euston Square (owned by Severin Bastendorff); she had disappeared in 1878 and her mummified remains were discovered the following year. A former servant to Basterndorff, Hannah Dobbs, was soon the prime suspect as she had pawned many of Hacker's valuables, but she was found Not-Guilty due to lack of evidence; it seemed likely that Bastendorff may have had some involvement in this crime, along with his brother, Peter... The central image shows Mrs Hacker and her sister (the Canterbury Belles) whilst other images on either side of this, show Mr Cozens house, Miss Hacker's house, and where the watch and chain were pawned by Hannah Dobbs. Other events shown on the cover include a fatal leap from a train, an attempted highway robbery and the throwing of a woman into a fire!

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