Magic Lantern slide circa 1900 hand coloured. Titled Cities and places of interest in the Mediterranean.37 .??”MESSINA FROM THE HILLS. Proceeding still farther south in our Mediterranean tour, we arrive in the Island of Sicily, and at its second most important town, Messina, and its first in commercial affairs (Palermo being the capital). The harbour, which is shown in this vievv, is considered to be the busiest in Italy, not even excepting Naples and Leghorn, and the tonnage of vessels entering nearly reaches a million and a half tons. Eor many years Messina was smitten with the curse of brigandage, a curse that went on in its suburbs and outskirts, but lately the government has almost, if not entirely, put an end to the pest [B]. It should not be forgotton that it is at Messina that Shakespeare has laid the scene of u Much Ado about Nothing.

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