Coronavirus replication, CoVid-19, SARS-Cov2. This scientific illustration explains how the 2019 coronavirus replicates thanks to a host cell. FUSION: When the virus reaches the respiratory system by inhalation, it fuses with a host cell thanks to its protein S (spicule), viral surface protein and a membrane receptor of the host cell. TRANSLATION: Viral RNA (positive strand) binds to ribosomes. It is transcribed to form an RNA replicase which will make RNA (negative strand) from RNA (positive strand). TRANSLATION: Viral RNA (positive strand) binds to ribosomes. It is transcribed to form an RNA replicase which will make RNA (negative strand) from RNA (positive strand). TRANSCRIPTION.ET R?PLICATION: This negative strand is used to make RNA under genomics It allows to replicate viral RNA (positive strand). TRANSLATION:. Thanks to the ribosomes of the host cell, the viral RNA (positive strand) produces the viral proteins (N, M, E and S) which fuse with the endoplasmic membrane. The latter invades around the nucleocapsid to constitute the new viral offspring. TRANSPORT: Viral offspring encapsulated and transported by golgian vesicles to the cell membrane. EXOCYTOSIS: Viral offspring are outsourced outside the host cell.

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