Full bladder anatomy in frontal section in women. This medical illustration represents the structure of the bladder and its relationships and lower limits in the pelvic cavity. From the bottom to the top, we can see on each side the pubic bones in section, and in the center, the urethra. The deep transverse muscle of the perineum stretched between the pubic bones and the urethra and the external sphincter of the urethra above constitute the urogenital diaphragm. The obturator muscles are inserted on the top of the oblique pubic bones outwards and upwards. Between the obturator muscles, deep transverse and the lower part of the bladder, there are the levator muscles of the anus (levators of the anus) which constitute the pelvic diaphragm. The urethra is extended by the wall of the bladder in section. Behind the two ureters open into the posterior wall of the bladder. Thus we distinguish the ostriums of the right and left ureter in transparency and the bladder trigone. The upper part of the bladder is covered by parietal peritoneum shown in transparency to show the bladder muscle fibers. - Restriction : Exclusive to pharmaceutical laboratories in Belgium. from 04/26/2020

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