Schiaparelli impact site on Mars. The cutouts show three locations where parts of the spacecraft reached the ground: the lander module itself in the upper portion, the parachute and back shell at lower left, and the heat shield at lower right. The heat shield location was outside of the area covered in colour. The scale bar of 10 meters applies to all three cutouts. Schiaparelli was one component of the European Space Agency's ExoMars 2016 project, which placed the Trace Gas Orbiter into orbit around Mars on the same arrival date. The ExoMars project received data from Schiaparelli during its descent through the atmosphere. ESA reports that the heat shield separated as planned, the parachute deployed as planned but was released (with back shell) prematurely and the lander hit the ground at a velocity of more than more than 300 kilometers per hour. Image obtained by the High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

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