NCO193141 The Soldier\'s Return, or Rare News for Old England, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (hand-coloured etching) by Gillray, James (1757-1815); Courtesy of the Warden and Scholars of New College, Oxford; ( Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Catherina, Duchess of York and Albany (1767-1820) and her husband Frederick, Duke of York and Albany (1763-1827), Son of George III; Commander-in-Chief of the Army. The Duke of York and his bride walk arm in arm in the manner of a tramping soldier and his wife. A large bundle on his back is inscribed; L.3000000. he uses his sabre as a walking-stick. She is pregnant, and carries a large money-bag; Pin Money 瞿50000 Pr Annm. Behind them in the distance is a castle with a flag inscribed; Berlin. The Duke wears regimentals with his star; the Duchess wears a simple straw hat, tilted back to show a tiara. Beneath the title is etched; ???ee the conquering Hero comes". One of many satires on the marriage of the Duke of York with the Princess Frederika, eldest daughter of the King of Prussia, which took place at Berlin on the 1st of October, 1791. The royal couple arrived at Dover on their way to London, on the 21st of the same month. The beauty of the Duchess, her diminutive foot and the money she brought to her husband, were common subjects of conversation at the time this caricature was published ); English, out of copyright.

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