2956849 Valley of the Teme, a Sunny November Morning, 1960 (w/c on paper) by Boyce, George Price (1826-97); 13.97x19.05 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: The view is from Ankerdine Hill, looking south across the valley of the River Teme a few miles to the east of the Herefordshire market town of Bromyard. In the left-hand distance are the purple Malvern Hills shadowed by gathering rain-clouds. Views of the landscape of the Shropshire-Hereford borders are numerous throughout Boyce\'s career as he often visited his relations in the Welsh Marches, including his maternal aunt and uncle who lived at Ashford south of Ludlow. On an old label attached to the picture, Boyce described the day as a \'Sunny Novr. morning\', and on the backing are four sketches of his little dog carrying his walking stick. The backing sheet was recycled by Boyce, and has an (irrelevant) note to him from Rossetti (Boyce was a close friend and customer) about a drawing written on the back. Boyce did not sell this watercolour, and it remained in his collection until his death.); Photo 穢 The Maas Gallery, London.

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