3703521 The Montauri Birth Tray, 25th April, 1428 (tempera, gilt & silver on panel) by Fruosino, Batrolomeo di (1366/69-1441); diam: 71.8 cm; Private Collection; (add.info.: Depiction of a confinement scene insribed with a date on the lower edge of the recto, QUESTO SI FE A DI XXV DAPRILE NEL MILLE QUATTROCENTO VENTOTTO (This was made on the 25th of April , 1428); and inscribed on the verso, FACCIA IDDIO SANA OGNI DONNA CHFFIGLIA EPADRI LORO... RO... ERNATO SIA SANZA NOIA ORICHDIA ISONO UNBANBOLIN CHESULI... A DIMORO FO LAPISCIA DARIENTO EDORO (May God give health to every woman who gives birth and to the child\'s father... may [the child] be born without fatigue or danger. I am a baby who lives on a [rock]... and I make urine of silver and gold) Possibly commissioned by Tommaso di Paolo Montauri (documented 1437-1469), Siena, on the occasion of the birth of his son Paolo di Tommaso Montauri. Earliest known dated desco da parto In the collection of the New York Historical Society 1867-1995); Italian, out of copyright.

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