3711008 Desk and escritoire, 1865-67 (pine, mahogany, ceramic & brass) (see also 5942439) by Burges, William (1827-81); height: 258 cm; Manchester Art Gallery, UK; (add.info.: designed by Burges; constructed by Gualbert Saunders Inscribed: Gualbert Saunders Made Me, A.D. 1865 Painted wood escritoire with brass fittings and ceramic tiles. The architectural design influenced by French Gothic styles with its gabled roof and arched recess. Painted decoration includes two central allegorical figures representing Historia (history) and Poesia (poetry and five men representing the five occupations in medieval society: a peasant (Rusticu), a knight, king and bishop, and mercator (a merchant). The cabinet also deals with the passing of time, featuring a boy with his tutor (left hand side), an adolescent, a man in the prime of life (virilitas) and an old man. The mounted clock has the Latin inscription "The clock warns of the passing of time, let everything that is written beneath it, Be an offering to the peace of God"); by Manchester Art Gallery .

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