3822402 Descent From The Cross (oil on canvas) by Mols, John Henry (fl.c.1880-90); 126x93 cm; Calderdale Museums Service, West Yorkshire, UK; (add.info.: After Rubens\' original in Antwerp Cathedral, with figures posed in the same order, from top to bottom: two workers at the top are guiding the body of Christ down, with a shroud held in teeth by one; in the middle height on ladders facing each other are Joseph of Arimatha and Nicodemus; standing at ground level are St John in red, with one foot on the ladder, supporting the body opposite the Virgin Mary on the other side reaching out for her son; kneeling at the base are Mary Magdalene, with golden hair and the foot of Jesus resting on her shoulder, and behind her Salome (Mary Cleophas) gathering her robe. At the base of the ladder are the superscription and a basin holding the crown of thorns and the nails of crucifixion. ); byCalderdale Borough Council ; out of copyright.

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