LSE4325753 A guebra (or Zoroastrian) cemetery near Teheran (Iran), in the shape of a large tower with a circumference of 60 metres and a height of 5 metres; the interior is arranged in maconnated boxes, each serves as an entrance into the vaults or bones are deposited. Engraving to illustrate the story of Henri de Blocqueville ??4 mois de captivite chez les turcomans??????between 1860 and 1861, in ???e tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages??????published under the direction of Edouard Charton, 1866, Paris. Selva Collection. by Unknown Artist, (19th century); Private Collection; ( A guebra (or Zoroastrian) cemetery near Teheran (Iran), in the shape of a large tower whose circumference is 60 meters and the height of 5 meters; the interior is arranged in maconnated boxes, each serves as an entrance into the vaults where bones are deposited, Engraving to illustrate the story of Henri de Blocqueville ??????in 14 months of captivite the turcomans??????between 1860 and 1861, in ???e tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages??????published under the direction of Edouard Charton, 1866, Paris. Selva Collection.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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