5052868 St Matthews Hall, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1932-34 (b/w photo) by Frowde, John James (1868-1946); Manx National Heritage (Isle of Man); (add.info.: On the back of this photograph John James Frowde writes, "The old Grammar School with the T.E. Brown memorial tablet on the w. gable. Designed by my old friend Archie Knox, it bore the inscription \'Here T.E. Brown was born (in pencil) 5.v.39.\' The design was a credit to the designer, but so involved, to those unfamiliar with Mr Knox\'s style, that on many occasions I have offered my services to visitors trying to solve the problem. These old streets possessed a charm for great numbers of our visitors, over a long period of my experience of this real old Douglas. In Chester and elsewhere old houses when taken down have to be re-erected in the same ancient style. This film taken on a mid-winter day. Had a hint that the tablet was to be taken down." Additional note: "All mid-winter views - weather dull and often wet when taken. Brown\'s desk in Museum has a tablet stating that he was born in Braddan Vicarage. ? worth chancing in sepia matt. Many of these of more interest to me than those in the 5 routes. Some for sepia trial. Annotations may be utilised for some new series. For end of no. 5 series."); by Manx National Heritage .

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