5923023 ?Our reserves awaiting orders to move up to their new positions on the slopes of Cape Hellas?, 1915 (b/w photo) by Unknown photographer, (20th century); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: ?Our reserves awaiting orders to move up to their new positions on the slopes of Cape Hellas?, 1915. Photograph, World War One, Gallipoli, 1915. Allied troops had landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 and established two beachheads at Cape Helles on Gallipoli\'s southernmost tip and further up the coast near Gaba Tepe (later renamed Anzac Cove). In the following months they attempted to extend these positions but the campaign became bogged down. General Sir Ian Hamilton launched a new offensive on 6 August 1915. It took the form of a diversionary action at Helles, a drive from Anzac Cove towards Sari Bair and a landing of new divisions at Suvla Bay. This latter force was to link up with the troops at Anzac and then advance across the peninsula. Although the landing caught the Turks by surprise, Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Stopford\'s men moved inland too slowly and the Turks were able to occupy the heights overlooking their position. The wider offensive rapidly lost momentum by 10 August due to tough Turkish resistance and indecisive command. The Allies remained trapped around their three beachheads. From a collection of 96 stereoscopic photographs entitled ?The Great War? including the official series.); by National Army Museum ; out of copyright.

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