5929667 Sinope, Turkey, 18 October 1853 (woodcut) by Unknown Artist, (19th century); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: Sinope, 18 October 1853. Woodcut by Efita Luvleva after artist unknown, published in Russia, 5 April 1854. On 30 November 1853 the Turkish fleet was destroyed by the Russian Navy at the Black Sea port of Sinope. The Turkish force of seven frigates, a sloop and some transports were sunk with about 4000 men killed, leaving just one steamer and 400 survivors. The Battle of Sinope was the first occasion when explosive shells were used in a naval engagement, hastening the introduction of iron clad men of war to replace the vunerable wooden warships. The Russian Navy\'s ships can be distinguished by the Imperial eagle on their sterns, whereas the Turkish Navy\'s ships have two stars. In the background the town of Sinope is shown under bombardment.); by National Army Museum .

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