6404848 Twelfth Month: Falling Snow at Mukojima from the series Actors in the Twelve Months, 1809 (woodblock print on paper) by Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825); 37.5x76.7 cm; Maidstone Museum and Art Gallery, Kent, UK; (add.info.: Actors in the Twelve Months (Yakusha juni tsuki). From a series of 36 prints (Sanjurokuban tsuzuki). Twelfth Month: Falling Snow at Mukojima (Junigatsu: Mukojima yuki furi no zu). Triptych. From a set each representing one of the twelve months. A snow scene in a temple garden. Three groups of large figures interested in each other. Background of huge white flakes in grey sky and snow-laden. 4 evergreen Sheet II: Three actors; left hand two under one umbrella. Third (onnagata) under another - torii in rear pf the group. All looking towards group on sheet I. The two left hand actors with Mon of Ishimura Uzaemon IX clan. Publisher: Tsuruya Kinsuke. Kiwame seal. Toyokuni, Utagawa I); by Maidstone Museum and Art Gallery.

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