Italy; Apulia; city of Ruvo di Puglia; Museo Archeologico Nazionale Jatta (National Archeological Museum Jatta): first room with ancient Greek and Roman ceramics; the first room contains objects of terracotta (ceramic) dating back even up to 7th century BC and in Peucetian and ancient antique Greek times auf Magna Grecia. In the centre of the room; there is a huge object for liquids; called Dolio. Most interesting behind glass are decorative fragments; small statues and; as a curiosity; so called tintinnabula; small animals of ceramic having inside a small stone and used as toys for children. The Jatta collection dates back to 1820; when scientist and archeologist Giovanni Jatta senior (1767 - 1844) started his archeological survey in the ancient necropolis of Ruvo di Puglia; in ancient times called Rubi; and the area around the city. In 1844; he and his brother Giulio Jatta had collected more than 500 bigger objects. Nephew Giovannino Jatta continued to extend the collection and wanted to give all to the King of Naples. But Giulia Viesti; wife and widow of Giovanni Jatta senior; refused her husbands last will and donated all to the city of Ruvo di Puglia; in 1848. Most famous object in this collection is the jar of Talos (Italian: vaso di Talos). In 1993; the house museum became a National Museum of Archeology and was opened to the public. Italy; Apulia; city of Ruvo di Puglia; Museo Archeologico Nazionale Jatta (National Archeological Museum Jatta): first room with ancient Greek and Roman ceramics; the first room contains objects of terracotta (ceramic) dating back even up to 7th century BC and in Peucetian and ancient antique Greek times auf Magna Grecia. In the centre of the room; there is a huge object for liquids; called Dolio. Most interesting behind glass are decorative fragments; small statues and; as a curiosity; so called tintinnabula; small animals of ceramic having inside a small stone and used as toys for children. The Jatta collection dates back to 1820; when scientist and archeologist Giovanni Jatta senior (1767 - 1844) started his archeological survey in the ancient necropolis of Ruvo di Puglia; in ancient times called Rubi; and the area around the city. In 1844; he and his brother Giulio Jatta had collected more than 500 bigger objects. Nephew Giovannino Jatta continued to extend the collection and wanted to give all to the King of Naples. But Giulia Viesti; wife and widow of Giovanni Jatta senior; refused her husbands last will and donated all to the city of Ruvo di Puglia; in 1848. Most famous object in this collection is the jar of Talos (Italian: vaso di Talos). In 1993; the house museum became a National Museum of Archeology and was opened to the public.

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