The village of K鋝mu (German: Kaspervik; Hasterwiek) is located at the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) and surrounded by the Eru Bay in the west and the K鋝mu Bay in the east. As the small sea harbour is ice-free; it became a favourite wintering spot and a place of of the border cordon; even in Russian Imperial times (second half of 19th century). The village first was mentioned in 1453 as Kesamo (kes?meaning summer) and was a fishery harbour; only in summertime. In 19th and 20th century; K鋝mu became famous for smuggling alcoholics throughout the Baltic Sea; especially to Finland. In 1891; the lighthouse was erected. K鋝mu became famous for its maritime school; which operated from 1884 to 1931. it operated in the building of the maritime school until 1918; from 1918 to 1931 in the former czarist border guard station. Locals say; that more than 150 people from K鋝mu gained their captain`s diploma; here. But official notice numbers 1664 students of whom 94 gained their captain`s patent. Until now; K鋝mu is known as the legendary captain`s village. K鋝mu for a long time belonged to the German Baltic noble family von Dellingshausen who lived in Aaspere Manor. A first ship was built in K鋝mu; in 1697 by the baron of nearby Palmse Manor. Most interesting buildings are the houses of the captains`families; the Dellingshausen Chapel; also called General`s Chapel; built in 1846 and named after General Nikolai von Dellingshausen (German also: Dellinghusen); who built a first summer house in K鋝mu; in 1840. Since 1840; K鋝mu has become also a favourite holiday spot hosting illustrious guests like Edmund Russow; Peter Ustinov; Romulus Titus; composer Arvo P鋜t; or Gustav Ernesaks. Since 1993; the former military cordon house; operated also by the Soviet army maritime forces; has been changed into a maritime museum; run by the retired biologist Aarne Vaik and his wife Triin Saks. It exhibits items of sailing; fishing; smuggling; of the village history; historic furniture; and of art; made by Aarne Vaik.

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