HOSPITALITY personification in "A beautiful woman. Her forehead will be surrounded by a circle of gold all in context of precious jewels (...); with a cheerful and laughing face. She will stand with her arms outstretched in the act of receiving others. With her right hand she will hold a cornucopia; (...) which is full of ears of wheat; grapes; different fruits; money; and other things belonging to human use. (...) Keep under the mantle from the right band a naked Child; who be with your right hand to take these fruits with it; and on the other side there is a Pilgrim lying on the ground ". Allegorical colored engraving from "'Of the very new Iconology of Cesare Ripa (around 1555 - 1622); Perugia (...); Work useful for Oratories; Preachers; Poets; Painters; Sculptors; Designers; & to every scholar to invent Concepts; Emblems ; and Companies (...) "enriched and corrected by Mr. Giovanni Zaratino Castellini (1570-1641); Roman. Pietro Paolo Tozzi; Padua 1625 - 1626

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