An unbelievable large school of sardines, moving as one unit, opens while each individual tries to escape at the maw of grouper and dentex. The tiny sardines found themselves in a situation which limited their chances of survival, since they were locked up between the surface and the shallow bottom, with very few possibilities to escape the predators? mouths. The large school was so big to darken the natural light coming through the surface in the shallow water and frantically moved apart under the attacks of the groupers and dentex, to reassemble shortly after. The school of fishes continually changed shapes, similarly to the flocks of starlings in the sky.?I remained hours in the shallow water, doing my best to take a representative picture, while avoiding to be part of the feast. Species : Sardines, Leopard grouper (Mycteroperca rosacea), Dentex?Conservation status : Least concerned Location: Los Islotes rockeries, Espiritu Santo archipelago, Sea of Cortez, Mexico The area was declared part of a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1995

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