Cervical and uterine cancers, illustration. On the left is carcinoma of the uterine cervix in which the mucous membrane is thickened with nodules and a yellowish ulceration site is noted. On the right margin the cancerous growth has invaded the myometrium. Squamous cell carcinoma is far more prevalent than adenocarcinoma but both are treated by hysterectomy and radiation therapy. On the right is carcinoma of the body of the uterus with the mucous membrane showing knobbed, soft tissue masses. A large cauliflower-type nodule is seen with its cut surface of greyish-white colour. Advanced endometrial adenocarcinoma may spread to para-aortic lymph nodes and pulmonary metastases. Treatments for cervical and/or uterine cancer included hysterectomy, radiation and chemotherapies. From Bollinger, O. 1901 Atlas und Gundriss der Pathologischen Anatomie, vol 2. Lehmann, Munich.

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