Arrival at the military port, Naples, of the "Emperor" and the "Melazzzo" with British volunteers for Garibaldi on board - from a sketch by our special artist, Frank Vizetelly, 1860. The ...reception by the people [of the British "excursionists", about 650 in number], was almost as enthusiastic as that of Garibaldi himself. The National Guard, carrying an English flag, went out to meet them, with music playing. Ten thousand people accompanied them, carrying nosegays and garlands of flowers...Ladies and gentlemen, everybody of note in the town, went up to the volunteers to shake hands with them, and to express to them the gratitude of Italy. Some ladies shed tears from emotion. The scene evidently took these young men quite by surprise; most of them hardly knew what to do under the embraces of the people, and kept on shaking hands, right and left...The English volunteers seemed to be overcome...Enthusiastic as the Neapolitans were, the enthusiasm of the English was greater still...From time to time they struck up "God Save the Queen," which the Neapolitans received with tremendous cheering, being clearly under the impression that it was a spirit-stirring revolutionary appeal expressly composed for the political necessities of the moment. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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