The "George Stephenson" locomotive engine built at Hamilton, Canada West, for the Great Western Railway of Canada, 1860. Mr. F.W. Gates, one of the directors; Mr. Thomas Reynolds, financial director; Mr. Brydges, managing director; Mr. G.H. Mingaye, paymaster; Mr. Richard Eaton, locomotive superintendent; Mr. W.C. Stephens, secretary in Canada; Mr. George Forsyth, [designer; Mr. A. Ayres, mechanical draughtsman, standing in front of] an engine of great power and beauty of workmanship...appropriately named after the father of railways...The cylinders are 16 inches in diameter, with a 24-inch stroke. The total heating surface, by an ingenious arrangement of the firebox, is 1218 superficial is adapted to burn either coal or wood...the framing is made from old scrap iron about the works reforged by steamhammer...The driving-wheels are six in number, coupled by threes...Forsyth...stands under the tender, with his hands in his velveteen jacket - a true specimen of the English mechanic...It will be observed that a roof covers the footplate where the engine-driver and stoker usually stand, rendered necessary from the inclemency of the winter and from the heat of the summer. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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