The Beaucousin Collection at the National Gallery - "The Capture of Carthagena", by Giulio Romano, 1860. Engraving of a painting. The most recent accession to our National Gallery, at least of those which have been exposed to public scrutiny, is the collection of thirty-one pictures purchased last year from M. Edmond Beaucousin, at Paris, for some ?5000 or ?6000, we do not recollect the exact amount. Giulio Romano, the favourite pupil of Raphael, frequently indulged in extravagance of fancy, whilst his execution, from carelessness and a disregard of principles, sometimes degenerated into coarseness. The friezelike work representing "The Capture of Carthagena, and the Continence of Scipio," though displaying considerable vigour in the composition and grouping, is as a whole by no means a favourable specimen of the master. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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