State Ball at Stockholm - from a sketch by our special artist, 1860. Following the coronation the King of Sweden as King of Norway, ...a ball was given by their Majesties in the state apartments of the Palace...[which was] filled to overflowing with the elite of the society which had assembled to do honour to their Sovereign...The brilliant assemblage of uniforms, added to the galaxy of beauty, formed a coup doeil rarely surpassed...dancing was carried on with great spirit in the "Grand Salle des Fetes"...The tall personage, with his hat in his hand and in his ordinary dress, is the deputy from Dalecarlia, each province of the empire being represented in this manner by a deputy...Behind the Dalecarlian are the Norwegian and one or two other deputies. To the left of the picture will be seen...a man in a very peculiar dress with a high plume of feathers in his hat, whose duty was to be in constant attendance on the Royal party with refreshments. The Queen and Princesses were seated, attended by their Ladies in Waiting, on a slightly-raised dais which skirted the side of the room. The King was dressed in hussar uniform, and Prince Oscar in naval uniform. Dancing continued till about one oclock in the morning. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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