New drinking-fountain at Scarborough, 1860. A drinking-fountain has recently been erected in Scarborough, near the gate which gives admission to the Castle Holms, a few yards distant from the parish church. Besides its more obvious uses, it is intended to serve also as a memorial of the late amiable and eminent antiquary, Thomas Hinderwell, the historian of Scarborough. The total cost, about ?65, was chiefly raised by subscription among the relatives and surviving friends of Mr. Hinderwell, the sum required in excess of the amount subscribed, nearly ?28, being contributed by Mrs. Anne Coulson, widow of the late John Hill Coulson, of Scarborough, and niece of him to whose memory the fountain is raised. The design was furnished (at Miss S. D. Coulsons cost) by Messrs. Deane and Woodward, the architects of the Oxford Museum. The work was executed by Messrs. W. A. E. Dove, of Scarborough. The inscription is as follows: "To the memory of Thomas Hinderwell, the historian of Scarborough, and founder of its Museum, this fountain is erected by some who knew and loved him. July, 1860". From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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