New uniform for the letter-carriers, mail-guards, and drivers, in the employ of the General Post Office, 1860. Uniforms ...designed by Tait Brothers and Co. army contractors...The letter-carriers will be supplied with two complete suits annually, for summer and winter wear...The uniform consists of a blue frock-coat, with scarlet collar, cuffs, and facings, the initials G. P. 0., with the number underneath, being embroidered in white on each side of the collar. The buttons are of a superior quality and finish, and have also the initials engraved on them. The vest is made to match the coat in colour, facings, and buttons. The winter trousers are likewise of blue cloth, with a broad scarlet stripe at each side. The summer trousers are a dark-grey serge, with a scarlet cord at each side. The mail-drivers frock-coat will be similar to the letter-carriers, with the exception of a gold-lace trimming and gold-embroidered initials. The mail-guards coat, made of fine scarlet cloth, is a double-breasted frock, richly braided with gold lace; and the collar, which is blue, has the initials G.P.O. embroidered in gold on each side. All the garments are fitted with Dr. Merritts medical gussets for ventilation. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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