Saloon of Her Majestys carriage on the London and North-Western Railway, 1861. State carriage...constructed expressly for the use of [Queen Victoria], the Prince Consort, and suite, the cost of which, it is stated, exceeded ?3000. The design of this magnificent specimen of railway carriage architecture was in the main prepared by and carried out under the direction of Mr. Cawkwell, the general manager, and Mr. H. P, Bruyeres, the general superintendent of the London and North-Western Railway...The interior of the Royal saloon presents a coup doeil combining the most refined taste and elegance, The lining is of silver grey moire antique of the richest description, festooned and fluted, the same material covering the roof, divided into panels marked out by a rich cord of the same colour...At one end of the saloon is a sofa, covered with the same material as the lining of the carriage, and two easy-chairs are fixed on a revolving axis, so whilst they cannot be upset, they can be moved in any direction at the will of the party occupying them with the greatest ease...There are appliances for converting this magnificent sitting-room into a sleeping apartment. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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